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Self Pleasuring

Sexual energy is not only beautiful and valuable, but perhaps a way to experience God.

To make love to myself, to self pleasure, and to stop at the point just before orgasm, put your attention in your heart, and let the energy go up to your heart. The exact point to stop is the point where you know that one more stroke will make me come. "Just take your hand away, and let the energy go up to the heart to the brain." After each rush of energy resume self pleasusing, repeating the cycle. There is no prohibition against orgasm, only the requirement to delay it, letting the energy go to the heart first. Delaying your orgasms in this manner, you might found, makes them more intense."

"When Self pleasuring, the only thing to remember is that it is extremely simple - raising the body's sexual energy almost to the point of orgasm, and instead of letting the energy go out into the orgasm, allow it to come up in the body, up to the heart the brain. It happens that, at the point just before orgasm, there is a channel open in the body, and if you rest at that point and put your attention in your heart, the energy which has been generated will flow naturally upwards toward the heart. You don't have to do anything; it just happens. Don't worry about what it feels like, or if it is happening, just do it! Begin and adventure with yourself to see what your sexual energy is all about. Rediscover the physical system you were trained to ignore. "

If there is nothing else to be learned from these pages, it is that self love - without shame, with good humor, with a willingness to experiment - is the key to a healthy society and healthy relationships between men and women.

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